Welcome to IncluEdu

We understand inclusive education as a way to create schools, classrooms, lesson plans and learning environments that allow all students to become an integrated part of a learning experience. We focus on personalized, visualized and active learning.

IncluEdu is a consortium of European educational institutions dedicated to the development of innovative approaches for teaching and learning via digital tools.

Based on our practical experience, we develop courses for practical use and make them available in various European countries. Therefore, we offer courses that enable teachers and educators to use tablets and mobile devices in order to activate and empower their students.

Join our online community or sign up for one of our tablet courses and be part of a future of inclusive teaching with tablets.

Upcoming Courses

Here are our upcoming courses for teachers held in great locations.

2025 courses

Helsinki ist die Stadt in der der Kurs stattfindet.
24th Aug - 29th Aug


We provide courses that enable educators to gain the necessary competences to successfully introduce tablets into their teaching and learning. Our online community is a place where educators can share their ideas, practice and resources.

 Our Partners