02 Mar RIX Research at BETT 2017
Showcasing IncluEdu and the Multimedia Advocacy Pathway to Personalised Learning
The 2017 BETT Show (previously known as the British Educational Training and Technology Show) took place in January, and RIX Research & Media were delighted to be invited to present at this important event in the Education calendar.
BETT 2017 attracted over 30,000 visitors over four days and was attended by teachers, educators, technologists and decision makers from the UK and 130 different countries. It was the perfect environment in which to showcase the ‘Multimedia Advocacy Pathway to Personalised Learning’ – a theoretical learning pathway and suite of accompanying modules specially developed for the IncluEdu project by RIX Research & Media at the University of East London. The Pathway is a model designed to help educators use mobile technologies to achieve genuinely personalised teaching & learning.
Principal Researcher Gosia Kwiatkowska presented the Pathway to an audience of education professionals on the ‘SEN Learn Live’ stage. She described how this innovative model brings together for the first time three underlying sets of principles; those of person-centred practice; universal design for learning and Multimedia Advocacy. These guiding principles underpin each step on a learning pathway made up of 14 short modules covering 4 units or stages; ‘About Me’; ‘Getting to Know Me’; ‘My Needs and Taking Control’.
As educators follow the stages of the Pathway they understand how to employ person-centred tools alongside mobile apps and technologies to firstly know their learners and keep them actively involved at the centre, how to adapt their teaching and the learning environment to accommodate different learning styles to create personalised learning and finally how these tools can be used to empower all learners to advocate for themselves and truly take control of their learning.
The Multimedia Advocacy Pathway to Personalised Learning was developed by RIX Research as part of the IncluEdu project, funded by the European Commission. The full Pathway will be taught as part of the course Personalised Education for Inclusion with iPads and Tablets, which will take place in London in September 2017.
Find out how to apply for an Erasmus mobility grant to attend the course
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